

Aerich is not as mature yet, expect some issues here and there.

This document describes how to use Aerich to manage schema changes.

Check out aerich repository for more details.

Quick Start

> aerich -h

Usage: aerich [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -V, --version      Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config TEXT  Config file.  [default: pyproject.toml]
  --app TEXT         Tortoise-ORM app name.
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

  downgrade  Downgrade to specified version.
  heads      Show currently available heads (unapplied migrations).
  history    List all migrations.
  init       Initialize aerich config and create migrations folder.
  init-db    Generate schema and generate app migration folder.
  inspectdb  Prints the current database tables to stdout as Tortoise-ORM...
  migrate    Generate a migration file for the current state of the models.
  upgrade    Upgrade to specified migration version.


Add aerich.models to your Tortoise-ORM config first:

    "connections": {"default": "mysql://root:123456@"},
    "apps": {
        "models": {
            "models": ["tests.models", "aerich.models"],
            "default_connection": "default",


> aerich init -h

Usage: aerich init [OPTIONS]

  Initialize aerich config and create migrations folder.

  -t, --tortoise-orm TEXT  Tortoise-ORM config dict location, like
                          `settings.TORTOISE_ORM`.  [required]
  --location TEXT          Migrations folder.  [default: ./migrations]
  -s, --src_folder TEXT    Folder of the source, relative to the project root.
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Init config file and location:

> aerich init -t tests.backends.mysql.TORTOISE_ORM

Success create migrate location ./migrations
Success generate config file aerich.ini

Init db

> aerich init-db

Success create app migrate location ./migrations/models
Success generate schema for app "models"

If your Tortoise-ORM app is not default models, you must specify –app like aerich –app other_models init-db.

Update models and make migrate

> aerich migrate --name drop_column

Success migrate 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.json

Format of migrate filename is {version_num}_{datetime}_{name|update}.json.

And if aerich guess you are renaming a column, it will ask Rename {old_column} to {new_column} [True], you can choice True to rename column without column drop, or choice False to drop column then create.

If you use MySQL, only MySQL8.0+ support rename..to syntax.

Upgrade to latest version

> aerich upgrade

Success upgrade 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.json

Now your db is migrated to latest.

Downgrade to specified version

> aerich init -h

Usage: aerich downgrade [OPTIONS]

  Downgrade to specified version.

  -v, --version INTEGER  Specified version, default to last.  [default: -1]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.
> aerich downgrade

Success downgrade 1_202029051520102929_drop_column.json

Now your db rollback to specified version.

Show history

> aerich history


Show heads to be migrated

> aerich heads
