Q Expression¶
The Q
Expression provides advanced querying capabilities beyond the basic filtering provided by <model>.filter()
. Q objects enable complex query construction and can be used as arguments to <model>.filter()
- Key features of
objects include: Construction of OR conditions
Creation of nested filters
Filter inversion
Combination of multiple conditions into complex queries
objects accept any filtering parameters that <model>.filter()
supports. Please refer to Query API for a complete list of available options.
objects can be combined using bitwise operators:|
for OR operations&
for AND operations
Example of using Q objects to query events with specific names:
found_events = await Event.filter(
Q(name='Event 1') | Q(name='Event 2')
Q objects also support nesting. The following example is equivalent to the previous one:
found_events = await Event.filter(
Q(Q(name='Event 1'), Q(name='Event 2'), join_type="OR")
If the join_type parameter is not specified, it defaults to “AND”.
Q objects without filter arguments are treated as no-operation (NOP) and are excluded from the final query, regardless of whether they are used in AND or OR operations.
The NOT operation can be achieved using the negation operator (~
not_third_events = await Event.filter(~Q(name='3'))
class tortoise.expressions.Q(*args, join_type=
, **kwargs)[source]¶ Q Expression container. Q Expressions are a useful tool to compose a query from many small parts.
- Parameters:¶
OR =
- __and__(other)[source]¶
Returns a binary AND of Q objects, use
operator.- Raises:¶
OperationalError – AND operation requires a Q node
- Return type:¶
- __or__(other)[source]¶
Returns a binary OR of Q objects, use
operator.- Raises:¶
OperationalError – OR operation requires a Q node
- Return type:¶
- filters : dict[str, FilterInfoDict]¶
Contains the filters applied to this Q
- join_type¶
Specifies if this Q does an AND or OR on its children
- resolve(resolve_context)[source]¶
Resolves the logical Q chain into the parts of a SQL statement.
F Expression¶
The F
Expression represents a model field value and enables database operations on field values without loading them into Python memory. This is particularly useful for atomic operations.
Example of using F expressions for balance updates (this is just an example and such updates are not recommended for use in financial applications):
from tortoise.expressions import F
await User.filter(id=1).update(balance = F('balance') - 10)
await User.filter(id=1).update(balance = F('balance') + F('award'), award = 0)
# Using F expressions with .save()
user = await User.get(id=1)
user.balance = F('balance') - 10
When working with F expressions, you must refresh the model instance to access updated field values:
# Incorrect - balance value may be stale
balance = user.balance
# Correct - refresh the balance field first
await user.refresh_from_db(fields=['balance'])
balance = user.balance
F expressions can also be used in annotations:
data = await User.annotate(idp=F("id") + 1).values_list("id", "idp")
Subquery expressions can be utilized in both filter()
and annotate()
from tortoise.expressions import Subquery
await Tournament.annotate(ids=Subquery(Tournament.all().limit(1).values("id"))).values("ids", "id")
await Tournament.filter(pk=Subquery(Tournament.filter("id"))).first()
RawSQL provides the capability to execute raw SQL queries within filter()
and annotate()
operations. This offers maximum flexibility when needed:
await Tournament.filter(pk=1).annotate(count=RawSQL('count(*)')).values("count")
await Tournament.filter(pk=1).annotate(idp=RawSQL('id + 1')).filter(idp=2).values("idp")
await Tournament.filter(pk=RawSQL("id + 1"))
Case-When Expression¶
The Case-When expression enables the construction of conditional logic using CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END
SQL statements.
Example usage:
results = await IntModel.all().annotate(
When(intnum__gte=8, then='big'),
When(intnum__lte=2, then='small'),