Source code for tortoise.utils

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Optional

from tortoise.log import logger

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocoverage
    from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient

[docs]def get_schema_sql(client: "BaseDBAsyncClient", safe: bool) -> str: """ Generates the SQL schema for the given client. :param client: The DB client to generate Schema SQL for :param safe: When set to true, creates the table only when it does not already exist. """ generator = client.schema_generator(client) return generator.get_create_schema_sql(safe)
[docs]async def generate_schema_for_client(client: "BaseDBAsyncClient", safe: bool) -> None: """ Generates and applies the SQL schema directly to the given client. :param client: The DB client to generate Schema SQL for :param safe: When set to true, creates the table only when it does not already exist. """ generator = client.schema_generator(client) schema = get_schema_sql(client, safe) logger.debug("Creating schema: %s", schema) if schema: # pragma: nobranch await generator.generate_from_string(schema)
def chunk(instances: Iterable[Any], batch_size: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterable[Iterable[Any]]: """ Generate iterable chunk by batch_size # noqa: DAR301 """ if not batch_size: yield instances else: instances = list(instances) for i in range(0, len(instances), batch_size): yield instances[i : i + batch_size] # noqa:E203