Source code for tortoise.timezone

import functools
import os
from datetime import datetime, time, tzinfo
from typing import Optional, Union

import pytz

[docs] @functools.cache def get_use_tz() -> bool: """ Get use_tz from env set in Tortoise config. """ return os.environ.get("USE_TZ") == "True"
[docs] @functools.cache def get_timezone() -> str: """ Get timezone from env set in Tortoise config. """ return os.environ.get("TIMEZONE") or "UTC"
[docs] def now() -> datetime: """ Return an aware datetime.datetime, depending on use_tz and timezone. """ if get_use_tz(): return else: return
[docs] @functools.cache def get_default_timezone() -> tzinfo: """ Return the default time zone as a tzinfo instance. This is the time zone defined by Tortoise config. """ return pytz.timezone(get_timezone())
def _reset_timezone_cache() -> None: """Reset timezone cache. For internal use only.""" get_default_timezone.cache_clear() get_use_tz.cache_clear() get_timezone.cache_clear()
[docs] def localtime(value: Optional[datetime] = None, timezone: Optional[str] = None) -> datetime: """ Convert an aware datetime.datetime to local time. Only aware datetime are allowed. When value is omitted, it defaults to now(). Local time is defined by the current time zone, unless another time zone is specified. :raises ValueError: when value is naive datetime """ if value is None: value = now() tz = get_default_timezone() if timezone is None else pytz.timezone(timezone) if is_naive(value): raise ValueError("localtime() cannot be applied to a naive datetime") return value.astimezone(tz)
[docs] def is_aware(value: Union[datetime, time]) -> bool: """ Determine if a given datetime.datetime or datetime.time is aware. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is not None
[docs] def is_naive(value: Union[datetime, time]) -> bool: """ Determine if a given datetime.datetime or datetime.time is naive. The concept is defined in Python's docs: Assuming value.tzinfo is either None or a proper datetime.tzinfo, value.utcoffset() implements the appropriate logic. """ return value.utcoffset() is None
[docs] def make_aware( value: datetime, timezone: Optional[str] = None, is_dst: Optional[bool] = None ) -> datetime: """ Make a naive datetime.datetime in a given time zone aware. :raises ValueError: when value is not naive datetime """ tz = get_default_timezone() if timezone is None else pytz.timezone(timezone) if hasattr(tz, "localize"): return tz.localize(value, is_dst=is_dst) if is_aware(value): raise ValueError("make_aware expects a naive datetime, got %s" % value) # This may be wrong around DST changes! return value.replace(tzinfo=tz)
[docs] def make_naive(value: datetime, timezone: Optional[str] = None) -> datetime: """ Make an aware datetime.datetime naive in a given time zone. :raises ValueError: when value is naive datetime """ tz = get_default_timezone() if timezone is None else pytz.timezone(timezone) if is_naive(value): raise ValueError("make_naive() cannot be applied to a naive datetime") return value.astimezone(tz).replace(tzinfo=None)