Source code for tortoise.queryset

import types
from copy import copy
from typing import (

from pypika import JoinType, Order, Table
from import Count
from pypika.functions import Cast
from pypika.queries import QueryBuilder
from pypika.terms import Case, Field, Star, Term, ValueWrapper
from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol

from tortoise.backends.base.client import BaseDBAsyncClient, Capabilities
from tortoise.exceptions import (
from tortoise.expressions import Expression, Q, RawSQL, ResolveContext, ResolveResult
from tortoise.fields.relational import (
from tortoise.filters import FilterInfoDict
from tortoise.query_utils import (
from tortoise.router import router
from tortoise.utils import chunk

# Empty placeholder - Should never be edited.

QUERY: QueryBuilder = QueryBuilder()

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: nocoverage
    from tortoise.models import Model

MODEL = TypeVar("MODEL", bound="Model")
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)
SINGLE = TypeVar("SINGLE", bound=bool)

[docs]class QuerySetSingle(Protocol[T_co]): """ Awaiting on this will resolve a single instance of the Model object, and not a sequence. """ # pylint: disable=W0104 def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, T_co]: ... # pragma: nocoverage def prefetch_related( self, *args: Union[str, Prefetch] ) -> "QuerySetSingle[T_co]": ... # pragma: nocoverage def select_related(self, *args: str) -> "QuerySetSingle[T_co]": ... # pragma: nocoverage def annotate( self, **kwargs: Union[Expression, Term] ) -> "QuerySetSingle[T_co]": ... # pragma: nocoverage def only(self, *fields_for_select: str) -> "QuerySetSingle[T_co]": ... # pragma: nocoverage def values_list( self, *fields_: str, flat: bool = False ) -> "ValuesListQuery[Literal[True]]": ... # pragma: nocoverage def values( self, *args: str, **kwargs: str ) -> "ValuesQuery[Literal[True]]": ... # pragma: nocoverage
class AwaitableQuery(Generic[MODEL]): __slots__ = ( "query", "model", "_joined_tables", "_db", "capabilities", "_annotations", "_custom_filters", "_q_objects", ) def __init__(self, model: Type[MODEL]) -> None: self._joined_tables: List[Table] = [] self.model: "Type[MODEL]" = model self.query: QueryBuilder = QUERY self._db: BaseDBAsyncClient = None # type: ignore self.capabilities: Capabilities = model._meta.db.capabilities self._annotations: Dict[str, Union[Expression, Term]] = {} self._custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict] = {} self._q_objects: List[Q] = [] def _choose_db(self, for_write: bool = False) -> BaseDBAsyncClient: """ Return the connection that will be used if this query is executed now. :return: BaseDBAsyncClient: """ if self._db: return self._db if for_write: db = router.db_for_write(self.model) else: db = router.db_for_read(self.model) return db or self.model._meta.db def _choose_db_if_not_chosen(self, for_write: bool = False) -> None: if self._db is None: self._db = self._choose_db(for_write) # type: ignore def resolve_filters(self) -> None: """Builds the common filters for a QuerySet.""" has_aggregate = self._resolve_annotate() modifier = QueryModifier() for node in self._q_objects: modifier &= node.resolve( ResolveContext( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, ) ) for join in modifier.joins: if join[0] not in self._joined_tables: self.query = self.query.join(join[0], how=JoinType.left_outer).on(join[1]) self._joined_tables.append(join[0]) self.query._havings = modifier.having_criterion self.query._wheres = modifier.where_criterion if has_aggregate and (self._joined_tables or self.query._havings or self.query._orderbys): self.query = self.query.groupby( *[self.model._meta.basetable[field] for field in self.model._meta.db_fields] ) def _join_table_by_field( self, table: Table, related_field_name: str, related_field: RelationalField ) -> Table: joins = get_joins_for_related_field(table, related_field, related_field_name) for join in joins: self._join_table(join) return joins[-1][0] def _join_table(self, table_criterio_tuple: TableCriterionTuple) -> None: if table_criterio_tuple[0] not in self._joined_tables: self.query = self.query.join(table_criterio_tuple[0], how=JoinType.left_outer).on( table_criterio_tuple[1] ) self._joined_tables.append(table_criterio_tuple[0]) @staticmethod def _resolve_ordering_string(ordering: str, reverse: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, Order]: order_type = Order.asc if ordering[0] == "-": field_name = ordering[1:] order_type = Order.desc else: field_name = ordering if reverse: order_type = Order.desc if order_type == Order.asc else Order.asc return field_name, order_type def resolve_ordering( self, model: "Type[Model]", table: Table, orderings: Iterable[Tuple[str, Union[str, Order]]], annotations: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """ Applies standard ordering to QuerySet. :param model: The Model this queryset is based on. :param table: ``pypika.Table`` to keep track of the virtual SQL table (to allow self referential joins) :param orderings: What columns/order to order by :param annotations: Annotations that may be ordered on :raises FieldError: If a field provided does not exist in model. """ # Do not apply default ordering for annotated queries to not mess them up if not orderings and self.model._meta.ordering and not annotations: orderings = self.model._meta.ordering for ordering in orderings: field_name = ordering[0] if field_name in model._meta.fetch_fields: raise FieldError( "Filtering by relation is not possible. Filter by nested field of related model" ) related_field_name, __, forwarded = field_name.partition("__") if related_field_name in model._meta.fetch_fields: related_field = cast(RelationalField, model._meta.fields_map[related_field_name]) related_table = self._join_table_by_field(table, related_field_name, related_field) self.resolve_ordering( related_field.related_model, related_table, [(forwarded, ordering[1])], {}, ) elif field_name in annotations: if isinstance(annotation := annotations[field_name], Term): term: Term = annotation else: annotation_info = annotation.resolve( ResolveContext( model=self.model, table=table, annotations=annotations, custom_filters={}, ) ) term = annotation_info.term self.query = self.query.orderby(term, order=ordering[1]) else: field_object = model._meta.fields_map.get(field_name) if not field_object: raise FieldError(f"Unknown field {field_name} for model {model.__name__}") field_name = field_object.source_field or field_name field = table[field_name] func = field_object.get_for_dialect( model._meta.db.capabilities.dialect, "function_cast" ) if func: field = func(field_object, field) self.query = self.query.orderby(field, order=ordering[1]) def _resolve_annotate(self) -> bool: if not self._annotations: return False annotation_info: Dict[str, ResolveResult] = {} for key, annotation in self._annotations.items(): if isinstance(annotation, Term): annotation_info[key] = ResolveResult(term=annotation) else: annotation_info[key] = annotation.resolve( ResolveContext( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, ) ) for key, info in annotation_info.items(): for join in info.joins: self._join_table(join) if key in self._annotations: self.query._select_other(info.term.as_(key)) # type:ignore[arg-type] return any(info.term.is_aggregate for info in annotation_info.values()) def sql(self, params_inline=False) -> str: """ Returns the SQL query that will be executed. By default, it will return the query with placeholders, but if you set `params_inline=True`, it will inline the parameters. :param params_inline: Whether to inline the parameters """ self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() if params_inline: sql = self.query.get_sql() else: sql, _ = self.query.get_parameterized_sql() return sql def _make_query(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocoverage async def _execute(self) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocoverage
[docs]class QuerySet(AwaitableQuery[MODEL]): __slots__ = ( "fields", "_prefetch_map", "_prefetch_queries", "_single", "_raise_does_not_exist", "_db", "_limit", "_offset", "_fields_for_select", "_filter_kwargs", "_orderings", "_distinct", "_having", "_group_bys", "_select_for_update", "_select_for_update_nowait", "_select_for_update_skip_locked", "_select_for_update_of", "_select_related", "_select_related_idx", "_use_indexes", "_force_indexes", ) def __init__(self, model: Type[MODEL]) -> None: super().__init__(model) self.fields: Set[str] = model._meta.db_fields self._prefetch_map: Dict[str, Set[Union[str, Prefetch]]] = {} self._prefetch_queries: Dict[str, List[Tuple[Optional[str], QuerySet]]] = {} self._single: bool = False self._raise_does_not_exist: bool = False self._limit: Optional[int] = None self._offset: Optional[int] = None self._filter_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._orderings: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = [] self._distinct: bool = False self._having: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._fields_for_select: Tuple[str, ...] = () self._group_bys: Tuple[str, ...] = () self._select_for_update: bool = False self._select_for_update_nowait: bool = False self._select_for_update_skip_locked: bool = False self._select_for_update_of: Set[str] = set() self._select_related: Set[str] = set() self._select_related_idx: List[ Tuple["Type[Model]", int, Union[Table, str], "Type[Model]", Iterable[Optional[str]]] ] = [] # format with: model,idx,model_name,parent_model self._force_indexes: Set[str] = set() self._use_indexes: Set[str] = set() def _clone(self) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": queryset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) queryset.fields = self.fields queryset.model = self.model queryset.query = self.query queryset.capabilities = self.capabilities queryset._prefetch_map = copy(self._prefetch_map) queryset._prefetch_queries = copy(self._prefetch_queries) queryset._single = self._single queryset._raise_does_not_exist = self._raise_does_not_exist queryset._db = self._db queryset._limit = self._limit queryset._offset = self._offset queryset._fields_for_select = self._fields_for_select queryset._filter_kwargs = copy(self._filter_kwargs) queryset._orderings = copy(self._orderings) queryset._joined_tables = copy(self._joined_tables) queryset._q_objects = copy(self._q_objects) queryset._distinct = self._distinct queryset._annotations = copy(self._annotations) queryset._having = copy(self._having) queryset._custom_filters = copy(self._custom_filters) queryset._group_bys = copy(self._group_bys) queryset._select_for_update = self._select_for_update queryset._select_for_update_nowait = self._select_for_update_nowait queryset._select_for_update_skip_locked = self._select_for_update_skip_locked queryset._select_for_update_of = self._select_for_update_of queryset._select_related = self._select_related queryset._select_related_idx = self._select_related_idx queryset._force_indexes = self._force_indexes queryset._use_indexes = self._use_indexes return queryset def _filter_or_exclude(self, *args: Q, negate: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": queryset = self._clone() for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, Q): raise TypeError("expected Q objects as args") if negate: queryset._q_objects.append(~arg) else: queryset._q_objects.append(arg) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if negate: queryset._q_objects.append(~Q(**{key: value})) else: queryset._q_objects.append(Q(**{key: value})) return queryset
[docs] def filter(self, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Filters QuerySet by given kwargs. You can filter by related objects like this: .. code-block:: python3 Team.filter(events__tournament__name='Test') You can also pass Q objects to filters as args. """ return self._filter_or_exclude(negate=False, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def exclude(self, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Same as .filter(), but with appends all args with NOT """ return self._filter_or_exclude(negate=True, *args, **kwargs)
def _parse_orderings( self, orderings: Tuple[str, ...], reverse=False ) -> List[Tuple[str, Order]]: """ Convert ordering from strings to standard items for queryset. :param orderings: What columns/order to order by :param reverse: Whether reverse order :return: standard ordering for QuerySet. """ new_ordering = [] for ordering in orderings: field_name, order_type = self._resolve_ordering_string(ordering, reverse=reverse) if not ( field_name.split("__")[0] in self.model._meta.fields or field_name in self._annotations ): raise FieldError(f"Unknown field {field_name} for model {self.model.__name__}") new_ordering.append((field_name, order_type)) return new_ordering
[docs] def order_by(self, *orderings: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Accept args to filter by in format like this: .. code-block:: python3 .order_by('name', '-tournament__name') Supports ordering by related models too. A '-' before the name will result in descending sort order, default is ascending. :raises FieldError: If unknown field has been provided. """ queryset = self._clone() queryset._orderings = self._parse_orderings(orderings) return queryset
def _as_single(self) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: self._single = True self._limit = 1 return cast(QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]], self)
[docs] def latest(self, *orderings: str) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: """ Returns the most recent object by ordering descending on the providers fields. :params orderings: Fields to order by. :raises FieldError: If unknown or no fields has been provided. """ if not orderings: raise FieldError("No fields passed") queryset = self._clone() queryset._orderings = self._parse_orderings(orderings, reverse=True) return queryset._as_single()
[docs] def earliest(self, *orderings: str) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: """ Returns the earliest object by ordering ascending on the specified field. :params orderings: Fields to order by. :raises FieldError: If unknown or no fields has been provided. """ if not orderings: raise FieldError("No fields passed") queryset = self._clone() queryset._orderings = self._parse_orderings(orderings) return queryset._as_single()
[docs] def limit(self, limit: int) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Limits QuerySet to given length. :raises ParamsError: Limit should be non-negative number. """ if limit < 0: raise ParamsError("Limit should be non-negative number") queryset = self._clone() queryset._limit = limit return queryset
[docs] def offset(self, offset: int) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Query offset for QuerySet. :raises ParamsError: Offset should be non-negative number. """ if offset < 0: raise ParamsError("Offset should be non-negative number") queryset = self._clone() queryset._offset = offset if self.capabilities.requires_limit and queryset._limit is None: queryset._limit = 1000000 return queryset
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Query offset and limit for Queryset. :raises ParamsError: QuerySet indices must be slices. :raises ParamsError: Slice steps should be 1 or None. :raises ParamsError: Slice start should be non-negative number or None. :raises ParamsError: Slice stop should be non-negative number greater that slice start, or None. """ if not isinstance(key, slice): raise ParamsError("QuerySet indices must be slices.") if not (key.step is None or (isinstance(key.step, int) and key.step == 1)): raise ParamsError("Slice steps should be 1 or None.") start = key.start if key.start is not None else 0 if not isinstance(start, int) or start < 0: raise ParamsError("Slice start should be non-negative number or None.") if key.stop is not None and (not isinstance(key.stop, int) or key.stop <= start): raise ParamsError( "Slice stop should be non-negative number greater that slice start, or None.", ) queryset = self.offset(start) if key.stop: queryset = queryset.limit(key.stop - start) return queryset
[docs] def distinct(self) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Make QuerySet distinct. Only makes sense in combination with a ``.values()`` or ``.values_list()`` as it precedes all the fetched fields with a distinct. """ queryset = self._clone() queryset._distinct = True return queryset
[docs] def select_for_update( self, nowait: bool = False, skip_locked: bool = False, of: Tuple[str, ...] = () ) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Make QuerySet select for update. Returns a queryset that will lock rows until the end of the transaction, generating a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SQL statement on supported databases. """ if self.capabilities.support_for_update: queryset = self._clone() queryset._select_for_update = True queryset._select_for_update_nowait = nowait queryset._select_for_update_skip_locked = skip_locked queryset._select_for_update_of = set(of) return queryset return self
[docs] def annotate(self, **kwargs: Union[Expression, Term]) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Annotate result with aggregation or function result. :raises TypeError: Value of kwarg is expected to be a ``Function`` instance. """ from tortoise.models import get_filters_for_field queryset = self._clone() for key, annotation in kwargs.items(): # if not isinstance(annotation, (Function, Term)): # raise TypeError("value is expected to be Function/Term instance") queryset._annotations[key] = annotation queryset._custom_filters.update(get_filters_for_field(key, None, key)) return queryset
[docs] def group_by(self, *fields: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Make QuerySet returns list of dict or tuple with group by. Must call before .values() or .values_list() """ queryset = self._clone() queryset._group_bys = fields return queryset
[docs] def values_list(self, *fields_: str, flat: bool = False) -> "ValuesListQuery[Literal[False]]": """ Make QuerySet returns list of tuples for given args instead of objects. If call after `.get()`, `.get_or_none()` or `.first()` return tuples for given args instead of object. If ```flat=True`` and only one arg is passed can return flat list or just scalar. If no arguments are passed it will default to a tuple containing all fields in order of declaration. """ fields_for_select_list = fields_ or [ field for field in self.model._meta.fields_map if field in self.model._meta.db_fields ] + list(self._annotations.keys()) return ValuesListQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, single=self._single, raise_does_not_exist=self._raise_does_not_exist, flat=flat, fields_for_select_list=fields_for_select_list, distinct=self._distinct, limit=self._limit, offset=self._offset, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, group_bys=self._group_bys, force_indexes=self._force_indexes, use_indexes=self._use_indexes, )
[docs] def values(self, *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> "ValuesQuery[Literal[False]]": """ Make QuerySet return dicts instead of objects. If call after `.get()`, `.get_or_none()` or `.first()` return dict instead of object. Can pass names of fields to fetch, or as a ``field_name='name_in_dict'`` kwarg. If no arguments are passed it will default to a dict containing all fields. :raises FieldError: If duplicate key has been provided. """ if args or kwargs: fields_for_select: Dict[str, str] = {} for field in args: if field in fields_for_select: raise FieldError(f"Duplicate key {field}") fields_for_select[field] = field for return_as, field in kwargs.items(): if return_as in fields_for_select: raise FieldError(f"Duplicate key {return_as}") fields_for_select[return_as] = field else: _fields = [ field for field in self.model._meta.fields_map.keys() if field in self.model._meta.fields_db_projection.keys() ] + list(self._annotations.keys()) fields_for_select = {field: field for field in _fields} return ValuesQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, single=self._single, raise_does_not_exist=self._raise_does_not_exist, fields_for_select=fields_for_select, distinct=self._distinct, limit=self._limit, offset=self._offset, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, group_bys=self._group_bys, force_indexes=self._force_indexes, use_indexes=self._use_indexes, )
[docs] def delete(self) -> "DeleteQuery": """ Delete all objects in QuerySet. """ return DeleteQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, limit=self._limit, orderings=self._orderings, )
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs: Any) -> "UpdateQuery": """ Update all objects in QuerySet with given kwargs. .. admonition: Example: .. code-block:: py3 await Employee.filter(occupation='developer').update(salary=5000) Will instead of returning a resultset, update the data in the DB itself. """ return UpdateQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, update_kwargs=kwargs, q_objects=self._q_objects, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, limit=self._limit, orderings=self._orderings, )
[docs] def count(self) -> "CountQuery": """ Return count of objects in queryset instead of objects. """ return CountQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, limit=self._limit, offset=self._offset, force_indexes=self._force_indexes, use_indexes=self._use_indexes, )
[docs] def exists(self) -> "ExistsQuery": """ Return True/False whether queryset exists. """ return ExistsQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, force_indexes=self._force_indexes, use_indexes=self._use_indexes, )
[docs] def all(self) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Return the whole QuerySet. Essentially a no-op except as the only operation. """ return self._clone()
[docs] def raw(self, sql: str) -> "RawSQLQuery": """ Return the QuerySet from raw SQL """ return RawSQLQuery(model=self.model, db=self._db, sql=sql)
[docs] def first(self) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: """ Limit queryset to one object and return one object instead of list. """ queryset = self._clone() return queryset._as_single()
[docs] def last(self) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: """ Limit queryset to one object and return the last object instead of list. """ queryset = self._clone() if queryset._orderings: new_ordering = [ (field, Order.desc if order_type == Order.asc else Order.asc) for field, order_type in queryset._orderings ] elif pk := new_ordering = [(pk.model_field_name, Order.desc)] else: raise FieldError( f"QuerySet has no ordering and model {self.model.__name__} has no pk defined" ) queryset._orderings = new_ordering return queryset._as_single()
[docs] def get(self, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySetSingle[MODEL]: """ Fetch exactly one object matching the parameters. """ queryset = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) queryset._limit = 2 queryset._single = True queryset._raise_does_not_exist = True return queryset # type: ignore
[docs] async def in_bulk( self, id_list: Iterable[Union[str, int]], field_name: str ) -> Dict[str, MODEL]: """ Return a dictionary mapping each of the given IDs to the object with that ID. If `id_list` isn't provided, evaluate the entire QuerySet. :param id_list: A list of field values :param field_name: Must be a unique field """ objs = await self.filter(**{f"{field_name}__in": id_list}) return {getattr(obj, field_name): obj for obj in objs}
[docs] def bulk_create( self, objects: Iterable[MODEL], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, on_conflict: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> "BulkCreateQuery[MODEL]": """ This method inserts the provided list of objects into the database in an efficient manner (generally only 1 query, no matter how many objects there are). :param on_conflict: On conflict index name :param update_fields: Update fields when conflicts :param ignore_conflicts: Ignore conflicts when inserting :param objects: List of objects to bulk create :param batch_size: How many objects are created in a single query :raises ValueError: If params do not meet specifications """ if ignore_conflicts and update_fields: raise ValueError( "ignore_conflicts and update_fields are mutually exclusive.", ) if not ignore_conflicts: if (update_fields and not on_conflict) or (on_conflict and not update_fields): raise ValueError("update_fields and on_conflict need set in same time.") return BulkCreateQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, objects=objects, batch_size=batch_size, ignore_conflicts=ignore_conflicts, update_fields=update_fields, on_conflict=on_conflict, )
[docs] def bulk_update( self, objects: Iterable[MODEL], fields: Iterable[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "BulkUpdateQuery[MODEL]": """ Update the given fields in each of the given objects in the database. :param objects: List of objects to bulk create :param fields: The fields to update :param batch_size: How many objects are created in a single query :raises ValueError: If objects have no primary key set """ if any( is None for obj in objects): raise ValueError("All bulk_update() objects must have a primary key set.") return BulkUpdateQuery( db=self._db, model=self.model, q_objects=self._q_objects, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, limit=self._limit, orderings=self._orderings, objects=objects, fields=fields, batch_size=batch_size, )
[docs] def get_or_none(self, *args: Q, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySetSingle[Optional[MODEL]]: """ Fetch exactly one object matching the parameters. """ queryset = self.filter(*args, **kwargs) queryset._limit = 2 queryset._single = True return queryset # type: ignore
[docs] def only(self, *fields_for_select: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Fetch ONLY the specified fields to create a partial model. Persisting changes on the model is allowed only when: * All the fields you want to update is specified in ``<model>.save(update_fields=[...])`` * You included the Model primary key in the `.only(...)`` To protect against common mistakes we ensure that errors get raised: * If you access a field that is not specified, you will get an ``AttributeError``. * If you do a ``<model>.save()`` a ``IncompleteInstanceError`` will be raised as the model is, as requested, incomplete. * If you do a ``<model>.save(update_fields=[...])`` and you didn't include the primary key in the ``.only(...)``, then ``IncompleteInstanceError`` will be raised indicating that updates can't be done without the primary key being known. * If you do a ``<model>.save(update_fields=[...])`` and one of the fields in ``update_fields`` was not in the ``.only(...)``, then ``IncompleteInstanceError`` as that field is not available to be updated. """ queryset = self._clone() queryset._fields_for_select = fields_for_select return queryset
[docs] def force_index(self, *index_names: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ The FORCE INDEX hint acts like USE INDEX (index_list), with the addition that a table scan is assumed to be very expensive. """ if self.capabilities.support_index_hint: queryset = self._clone() for index_name in index_names: queryset._force_indexes.add(index_name) return queryset return self
[docs] def use_index(self, *index_names: str) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ The USE INDEX (index_list) hint tells MySQL to use only one of the named indexes to find rows in the table. """ if self.capabilities.support_index_hint: queryset = self._clone() for index_name in index_names: queryset._use_indexes.add(index_name) return queryset return self
[docs] async def explain(self) -> Any: """Fetch and return information about the query execution plan. This is done by executing an ``EXPLAIN`` query whose exact prefix depends on the database backend, as documented below. - PostgreSQL: ``EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON, VERBOSE) ...`` - SQLite: ``EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ...`` - MySQL: ``EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON ...`` .. note:: This is only meant to be used in an interactive environment for debugging and query optimization. **The output format may (and will) vary greatly depending on the database backend.** """ self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() return await self._db.executor_class(model=self.model, db=self._db).execute_explain( self.query.get_sql() )
[docs] def using_db(self, _db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient]) -> "QuerySet[MODEL]": """ Executes query in provided db client. Useful for transactions workaround. """ queryset = self._clone() queryset._db = _db if _db else queryset._db return queryset
def _join_table_with_select_related( self, model: "Type[Model]", table: Table, field: str, forwarded_fields: str, path: Iterable[Optional[str]], ) -> "QueryBuilder": if field in model._meta.fields_db_projection and forwarded_fields: raise FieldError(f'Field "{field}" for model "{model.__name__}" is not relation') field_object = cast(RelationalField, model._meta.fields_map.get(field)) if not field_object: raise FieldError(f'Unknown field "{field}" for model "{model.__name__}"') table = self._join_table_by_field(table, field, field_object) related_fields = field_object.related_model._meta.db_fields append_item = ( field_object.related_model, len(related_fields), field, model, path, ) if append_item not in self._select_related_idx: self._select_related_idx.append(append_item) for related_field in related_fields: self.query = table[related_field].as_(f"{table.get_table_name()}.{related_field}") ) if forwarded_fields: field, __, forwarded_fields_ = forwarded_fields.partition("__") self.query = self._join_table_with_select_related( model=field_object.related_model, table=table, field=field, forwarded_fields=forwarded_fields_, path=(*path, field), ) return self.query def _make_query(self) -> None: # clean tmp records first self._select_related_idx = [] self._joined_tables = [] table = self.model._meta.basetable if self._fields_for_select: append_item = ( self.model, len(self._fields_for_select), table, self.model, (None,), ) if append_item not in self._select_related_idx: self._select_related_idx.append(append_item) db_fields_for_select = [ table[self.model._meta.fields_db_projection[field]].as_(field) for field in self._fields_for_select ] self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery).select(*db_fields_for_select) else: self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery_all_fields) # type:ignore[assignment] append_item = ( self.model, len(self.model._meta.db_fields) + len(self._annotations), table, self.model, (None,), ) if append_item not in self._select_related_idx: self._select_related_idx.append(append_item) self.resolve_ordering( self.model, self.model._meta.basetable, self._orderings, self._annotations ) self.resolve_filters() if self._limit is not None: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) if self._offset is not None: self.query._offset = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._offset) if self._distinct: self.query._distinct = True if self._select_for_update: self.query = self.query.for_update( self._select_for_update_nowait, self._select_for_update_skip_locked, self._select_for_update_of, ) if self._select_related: for field in self._select_related: field, __, forwarded_fields = field.partition("__") self.query = self._join_table_with_select_related( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, field=field, forwarded_fields=forwarded_fields, path=(None, field), ) if self._force_indexes: self.query._force_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.force_index(*self._force_indexes) if self._use_indexes: self.query._use_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.use_index(*self._use_indexes) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, List[MODEL]]: if self._db is None: self._db = self._choose_db(self._select_for_update) # type: ignore self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[MODEL]: for val in await self: yield val async def _execute(self) -> List[MODEL]: instance_list = await self._db.executor_class( model=self.model, db=self._db, prefetch_map=self._prefetch_map, prefetch_queries=self._prefetch_queries, select_related_idx=self._select_related_idx, # type: ignore ).execute_select( *self.query.get_parameterized_sql(), custom_fields=list(self._annotations.keys()), ) if self._single: if len(instance_list) == 1: return instance_list[0] if not instance_list: if self._raise_does_not_exist: raise DoesNotExist(self.model) return None # type: ignore raise MultipleObjectsReturned(self.model) return instance_list
[docs]class UpdateQuery(AwaitableQuery): __slots__ = ( "update_kwargs", "_orderings", "_limit", "values", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], update_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], limit: Optional[int], orderings: List[Tuple[str, str]], ) -> None: super().__init__(model) self.update_kwargs = update_kwargs self._q_objects = q_objects self._annotations = annotations self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._db = db self._limit = limit self._orderings = orderings def _make_query(self) -> None: table = self.model._meta.basetable self.query = self._db.query_class.update(table) if self.capabilities.support_update_limit_order_by and self._limit: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) self.resolve_ordering(self.model, table, self._orderings, self._annotations) self.resolve_filters() # Need to get executor to get correct column_map executor = self._db.executor_class(model=self.model, db=self._db) for key, value in self.update_kwargs.items(): field_object = self.model._meta.fields_map.get(key) if not field_object: raise FieldError(f"Unknown keyword argument {key} for model {self.model}") if raise IntegrityError(f"Field {key} is PK and can not be updated") if isinstance(field_object, (ForeignKeyFieldInstance, OneToOneFieldInstance)): self.model._validate_relation_type(key, value) fk_field: str = field_object.source_field # type: ignore db_field = self.model._meta.fields_map[fk_field].source_field value = executor.column_map[fk_field]( getattr(value, field_object.to_field_instance.model_field_name), None, ) else: try: db_field = self.model._meta.fields_db_projection[key] except KeyError: raise FieldError(f"Field {key} is virtual and can not be updated") if isinstance(value, Expression): value = value.resolve( ResolveContext( model=self.model, table=table, annotations=self._annotations, custom_filters=self._custom_filters, ) ).term else: value = executor.column_map[key](value, None) self.query = self.query.set(db_field, value) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, int]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen(True) self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() async def _execute(self) -> int: return (await self._db.execute_query(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()))[0]
[docs]class DeleteQuery(AwaitableQuery): __slots__ = ( "_annotations", "_custom_filters", "_orderings", "_limit", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], limit: Optional[int], orderings: List[Tuple[str, str]], ) -> None: super().__init__(model) self._q_objects = q_objects self._annotations = annotations self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._db = db self._limit = limit self._orderings = orderings def _make_query(self) -> None: self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery) if self.capabilities.support_update_limit_order_by and self._limit: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) self.resolve_ordering( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, ) self.resolve_filters() self.query._delete_from = True return def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, int]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen(True) self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() async def _execute(self) -> int: return (await self._db.execute_query(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()))[0]
[docs]class ExistsQuery(AwaitableQuery): __slots__ = ( "_force_indexes", "_use_indexes", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], force_indexes: Set[str], use_indexes: Set[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(model) self._q_objects = q_objects self._db = db self._annotations = annotations self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._force_indexes = force_indexes self._use_indexes = use_indexes def _make_query(self) -> None: self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery) self.resolve_filters() self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(1) self.query._select_other(ValueWrapper(1, allow_parametrize=False)) # type:ignore[arg-type] if self._force_indexes: self.query._force_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.force_index(*self._force_indexes) if self._use_indexes: self.query._use_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.use_index(*self._use_indexes) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, bool]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() async def _execute( self, ) -> bool: result, _ = await self._db.execute_query(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()) return bool(result)
[docs]class CountQuery(AwaitableQuery): __slots__ = ( "_limit", "_offset", "_force_indexes", "_use_indexes", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], limit: Optional[int], offset: Optional[int], force_indexes: Set[str], use_indexes: Set[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(model) self._q_objects = q_objects self._annotations = annotations self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._limit = limit self._offset = offset or 0 self._db = db self._force_indexes = force_indexes self._use_indexes = use_indexes def _make_query(self) -> None: self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery) self.resolve_filters() count_term = Count(Star()) if self.query._groupbys: count_term = count_term.over() # remove annotations self.query._selects = [] self.query._select_other(count_term) if self._force_indexes: self.query._force_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.force_index(*self._force_indexes) if self._use_indexes: self.query._use_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.use_index(*self._use_indexes) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, int]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() async def _execute(self) -> int: _, result = await self._db.execute_query(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()) if not result: return 0 count = list(dict(result[0]).values())[0] - self._offset if self._limit and count > self._limit: return self._limit return count
[docs]class FieldSelectQuery(AwaitableQuery): # pylint: disable=W0223 def __init__(self, model: Type[MODEL], annotations: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: super().__init__(model) self._annotations = annotations def _join_table_with_forwarded_fields( self, model: Type[MODEL], table: Table, field: str, forwarded_fields: str ) -> Tuple[Table, str]: if field in model._meta.fields_db_projection and not forwarded_fields: return table, model._meta.fields_db_projection[field] if field in model._meta.fields_db_projection and forwarded_fields: raise FieldError(f'Field "{field}" for model "{model.__name__}" is not relation') if field in self.model._meta.fetch_fields and not forwarded_fields: raise ValueError( 'Selecting relation "{}" is not possible, select concrete ' "field on related model".format(field) ) field_object = cast(RelationalField, model._meta.fields_map.get(field)) if not field_object: raise FieldError(f'Unknown field "{field}" for model "{model.__name__}"') table = self._join_table_by_field(table, field, field_object) field, __, forwarded_fields_ = forwarded_fields.partition("__") return self._join_table_with_forwarded_fields( model=field_object.related_model, table=table, field=field, forwarded_fields=forwarded_fields_, ) def add_field_to_select_query(self, field: str, return_as: str) -> None: table = self.model._meta.basetable if field in self._annotations: self._annotations[return_as] = self._annotations[field] return if field in self.model._meta.fields_db_projection: db_field = self.model._meta.fields_db_projection[field] self.query._select_field(table[db_field].as_(return_as)) return if field in self.model._meta.fetch_fields: raise ValueError( 'Selecting relation "{}" is not possible, select ' "concrete field on related model".format(field) ) field_, __, forwarded_fields = field.partition("__") if field_ in self.model._meta.fetch_fields: related_table, related_db_field = self._join_table_with_forwarded_fields( model=self.model, table=table, field=field_, forwarded_fields=forwarded_fields, ) self.query._select_field(related_table[related_db_field].as_(return_as)) return raise FieldError(f'Unknown field "{field}" for model "{self.model.__name__}"') def resolve_to_python_value(self, model: Type[MODEL], field: str) -> Callable: if field in model._meta.fetch_fields: # return as is to get whole model objects return lambda x: x if field in (x[1] for x in model._meta.db_native_fields): return lambda x: x if field in self._annotations: annotation = self._annotations[field] field_object = getattr(annotation, "field_object", None) if field_object: return field_object.to_python_value return lambda x: x if field in model._meta.fields_map: return model._meta.fields_map[field].to_python_value field_, __, forwarded_fields = field.partition("__") if field_ in model._meta.fetch_fields: new_model = model._meta.fields_map[field_].related_model # type: ignore return self.resolve_to_python_value(new_model, forwarded_fields) raise FieldError(f'Unknown field "{field}" for model "{model}"') def _resolve_group_bys(self, *field_names: str) -> List: group_bys = [] for field_name in field_names: if field_name in self._annotations: group_bys.append(Term(field_name)) continue field, __, forwarded_fields = field_name.partition("__") related_table, related_db_field = self._join_table_with_forwarded_fields( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, field=field, forwarded_fields=forwarded_fields, ) field = related_table[related_db_field].as_( f"{related_table.get_table_name()}__{field_name}" ) group_bys.append(field) return group_bys
[docs]class ValuesListQuery(FieldSelectQuery, Generic[SINGLE]): __slots__ = ( "fields", "_limit", "_offset", "_distinct", "_orderings", "_single", "_raise_does_not_exist", "_fields_for_select_list", "_flat", "_group_bys", "_force_indexes", "_use_indexes", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], single: bool, raise_does_not_exist: bool, fields_for_select_list: Union[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]], limit: Optional[int], offset: Optional[int], distinct: bool, orderings: List[Tuple[str, str]], flat: bool, annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], group_bys: Tuple[str, ...], force_indexes: Set[str], use_indexes: Set[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(model, annotations) if flat and (len(fields_for_select_list) != 1): raise TypeError("You can flat value_list only if contains one field") fields_for_select = {str(i): field for i, field in enumerate(fields_for_select_list)} self.fields = fields_for_select self._limit = limit self._offset = offset self._distinct = distinct self._orderings = orderings self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._q_objects = q_objects self._single = single self._raise_does_not_exist = raise_does_not_exist self._fields_for_select_list = fields_for_select_list self._flat = flat self._db = db self._group_bys = group_bys self._force_indexes = force_indexes self._use_indexes = use_indexes def _make_query(self) -> None: self._joined_tables = [] self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery) for positional_number, field in self.fields.items(): self.add_field_to_select_query(field, positional_number) self.resolve_ordering( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, ) self.resolve_filters() if self._limit: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) if self._offset: self.query._offset = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._offset) if self._distinct: self.query._distinct = True if self._group_bys: self.query._groupbys = self._resolve_group_bys(*self._group_bys) if self._force_indexes: self.query._force_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.force_index(*self._force_indexes) if self._use_indexes: self.query._use_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.use_index(*self._use_indexes) @overload def __await__( self: "ValuesListQuery[Literal[False]]", ) -> Generator[Any, None, List[Tuple[Any, ...]]]: ... @overload def __await__( self: "ValuesListQuery[Literal[True]]", ) -> Generator[Any, None, Tuple[Any, ...]]: ... def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, Union[List[Any], Tuple[Any, ...]]]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() # pylint: disable=E1101 async def __aiter__(self: "ValuesListQuery[Any]") -> AsyncIterator[Any]: for val in await self: yield val async def _execute(self) -> Union[List[Any], Tuple]: _, result = await self._db.execute_query(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()) columns = [ (key, self.resolve_to_python_value(self.model, name)) for key, name in self.fields.items() ] if self._flat: func = columns[0][1] flatmap = lambda entry: func(entry["0"]) # noqa lst_values = list(map(flatmap, result)) else: listmap = lambda entry: tuple(func(entry[column]) for column, func in columns) # noqa lst_values = list(map(listmap, result)) if self._single: if len(lst_values) == 1: return lst_values[0] if not lst_values: if self._raise_does_not_exist: raise DoesNotExist(self.model) return None # type: ignore raise MultipleObjectsReturned(self.model) return lst_values
[docs]class ValuesQuery(FieldSelectQuery, Generic[SINGLE]): __slots__ = ( "_fields_for_select", "_limit", "_offset", "_distinct", "_orderings", "_single", "_raise_does_not_exist", "_group_bys", "_force_indexes", "_use_indexes", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], single: bool, raise_does_not_exist: bool, fields_for_select: Dict[str, str], limit: Optional[int], offset: Optional[int], distinct: bool, orderings: List[Tuple[str, str]], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], group_bys: Tuple[str, ...], force_indexes: Set[str], use_indexes: Set[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(model, annotations) self._fields_for_select = fields_for_select self._limit = limit self._offset = offset self._distinct = distinct self._orderings = orderings self._custom_filters = custom_filters self._q_objects = q_objects self._single = single self._raise_does_not_exist = raise_does_not_exist self._db = db self._group_bys = group_bys self._force_indexes = force_indexes self._use_indexes = use_indexes def _make_query(self) -> None: self._joined_tables = [] self.query = copy(self.model._meta.basequery) for return_as, field in self._fields_for_select.items(): self.add_field_to_select_query(field, return_as) self.resolve_ordering( model=self.model, table=self.model._meta.basetable, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, ) self.resolve_filters() # remove annotations that are not in fields_for_select self.query._selects = [ select for select in self.query._selects if select.alias in self._fields_for_select ] if self._limit: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) if self._offset: self.query._offset = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._offset) if self._distinct: self.query._distinct = True if self._group_bys: self.query._groupbys = self._resolve_group_bys(*self._group_bys) if self._force_indexes: self.query._force_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.force_index(*self._force_indexes) if self._use_indexes: self.query._use_indexes = [] self.query = self.query.use_index(*self._use_indexes) @overload def __await__( self: "ValuesQuery[Literal[False]]", ) -> Generator[Any, None, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: ... @overload def __await__( self: "ValuesQuery[Literal[True]]", ) -> Generator[Any, None, Dict[str, Any]]: ... def __await__( self, ) -> Generator[Any, None, Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() self._make_query() return self._execute().__await__() # pylint: disable=E1101 async def __aiter__(self: "ValuesQuery[Any]") -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]: for val in await self: yield val async def _execute(self) -> Union[List[dict], Dict]: result = await self._db.execute_query_dict(*self.query.get_parameterized_sql()) columns = [ val for val in [ (alias, self.resolve_to_python_value(self.model, field_name)) for alias, field_name in self._fields_for_select.items() ] if not isinstance(val[1], types.LambdaType) ] if columns: for row in result: for col, func in columns: row[col] = func(row[col]) if self._single: if len(result) == 1: return result[0] if not result: if self._raise_does_not_exist: raise DoesNotExist(self.model) return None # type: ignore raise MultipleObjectsReturned(self.model) return result
[docs]class RawSQLQuery(AwaitableQuery): __slots__ = ("_sql", "_db") def __init__(self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, sql: str) -> None: super().__init__(model) self._sql = sql self._db = db async def _execute(self) -> Any: instance_list = await self._db.executor_class( model=self.model, db=self._db, ).execute_select(RawSQL(self._sql).get_sql(), []) return instance_list def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, List[MODEL]]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() return self._execute().__await__()
[docs]class BulkUpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, Generic[MODEL]): __slots__ = ("fields", "_objects", "_batch_size", "_queries") def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, q_objects: List[Q], annotations: Dict[str, Any], custom_filters: Dict[str, FilterInfoDict], limit: Optional[int], orderings: List[Tuple[str, str]], objects: Iterable[MODEL], fields: Iterable[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ): super().__init__( model, update_kwargs={}, db=db, q_objects=q_objects, annotations=annotations, custom_filters=custom_filters, limit=limit, orderings=orderings, ) self.fields = fields self._objects = objects self._batch_size = batch_size self._queries: List[QueryBuilder] = [] def _make_queries(self) -> List[Tuple[str, List[Any]]]: table = self.model._meta.basetable self.query = self._db.query_class.update(table) if self.capabilities.support_update_limit_order_by and self._limit: self.query._limit = self.query._wrapper_cls(self._limit) self.resolve_ordering( model=self.model, table=table, orderings=self._orderings, annotations=self._annotations, ) self.resolve_filters() executor = self._db.executor_class(model=self.model, db=self._db) pk_attr = self.model._meta.pk_attr source_pk_attr = self.model._meta.fields_map[pk_attr].source_field or pk_attr pk = Field(source_pk_attr) for objects_item in chunk(self._objects, self._batch_size): query = copy(self.query) for field in self.fields: case = Case() pk_list = [] for obj in objects_item: pk_value = executor.column_map[pk_attr](, None) field_obj = obj._meta.fields_map[field] field_value = field_obj.to_db_value(getattr(obj, field), obj) case.when( pk == pk_value, ( Cast( self.query._wrapper_cls(field_value), field_obj.get_for_dialect( self._db.schema_generator.DIALECT, "SQL_TYPE" ), ) if self._db.schema_generator.DIALECT == "postgres" else self.query._wrapper_cls(field_value) ), ) pk_list.append(pk_value) query = query.set(field, case) query = query.where(pk.isin(pk_list)) self._queries.append(query) return [query.get_parameterized_sql() for query in self._queries] async def _execute_many(self, queries_with_params: List[Tuple[str, List[Any]]]) -> int: count = 0 for sql, values in queries_with_params: count += (await self._db.execute_query(sql, values))[0] return count def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, Any, int]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen(True) queries = self._make_queries() return self._execute_many(queries).__await__()
[docs] def sql(self, params_inline=False) -> str: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() queries = self._make_queries() return ";".join([sql for sql, _ in queries])
[docs]class BulkCreateQuery(AwaitableQuery, Generic[MODEL]): __slots__ = ( "_objects", "_ignore_conflicts", "_batch_size", "_db", "_executor", "_update_fields", "_on_conflict", ) def __init__( self, model: Type[MODEL], db: BaseDBAsyncClient, objects: Iterable[MODEL], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ignore_conflicts: bool = False, update_fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, on_conflict: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ): super().__init__(model) self._objects = objects self._ignore_conflicts = ignore_conflicts self._batch_size = batch_size self._db = db self._update_fields = update_fields self._on_conflict = on_conflict def _make_queries(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: self._executor = self._db.executor_class(model=self.model, db=self._db) if self._ignore_conflicts or self._update_fields: _, columns = self._executor._prepare_insert_columns() insert_query = self._executor._prepare_insert_statement( columns, ignore_conflicts=self._ignore_conflicts ) insert_query_all = insert_query if self.model._meta.generated_db_fields: _, columns_all = self._executor._prepare_insert_columns(include_generated=True) insert_query_all = self._executor._prepare_insert_statement( columns_all, has_generated=False, ignore_conflicts=self._ignore_conflicts, ) if self._update_fields: alias = f"new_{self.model._meta.db_table}" insert_query_all = insert_query_all.as_(alias).on_conflict( *(self._on_conflict or []) ) insert_query = insert_query.as_(alias).on_conflict(*(self._on_conflict or [])) for update_field in self._update_fields: insert_query_all = insert_query_all.do_update(update_field) insert_query = insert_query.do_update(update_field) return insert_query.get_sql(), insert_query_all.get_sql() else: return self._executor.insert_query, self._executor.insert_query_all async def _execute_many(self, insert_sql: str, insert_sql_all: str) -> None: for instance_chunk in chunk(self._objects, self._batch_size): values_lists_all = [] values_lists = [] for instance in instance_chunk: if instance._custom_generated_pk: values_lists_all.append( [ self._executor.column_map[field_name]( getattr(instance, field_name), instance ) for field_name in self._executor.regular_columns_all ] ) else: values_lists.append( [ self._executor.column_map[field_name]( getattr(instance, field_name), instance ) for field_name in self._executor.regular_columns ] ) if values_lists_all: await self._db.execute_many(insert_sql_all, values_lists_all) if values_lists: await self._db.execute_many(insert_sql, values_lists) def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen(True) insert_sql, insert_sql_all = self._make_queries() return self._execute_many(insert_sql, insert_sql_all).__await__()
[docs] def sql(self, params_inline=False) -> str: self._choose_db_if_not_chosen() insert_sql, insert_sql_all = self._make_queries() if all(o._custom_generated_pk for o in self._objects): return insert_sql_all if all(not o._custom_generated_pk for o in self._objects): return insert_sql return ";".join([insert_sql, insert_sql_all])