Source code for tortoise.functions

from pypika_tortoise import SqlContext, functions

from tortoise.expressions import Aggregate, Function

# Standard functions

[docs] class Trim(Function): """ Trims whitespace off edges of text. :samp:`Trim("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Trim
[docs] class Length(Function): """ Returns length of text/blob. :samp:`Length("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Length
[docs] class Coalesce(Function): """ Provides a default value if field is null. :samp:`Coalesce("{FIELD_NAME}", {DEFAULT_VALUE})` """ database_func = functions.Coalesce
[docs] class Lower(Function): """ Converts text to lower case. :samp:`Lower("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Lower
[docs] class Upper(Function): """ Converts text to upper case. :samp:`Upper("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Upper
class _Concat(functions.Concat): @staticmethod def get_arg_sql(arg, ctx: SqlContext): sql = arg.get_sql(ctx.copy(with_alias=False)) if hasattr(arg, "get_sql") else str(arg) # explicitly convert to text for postgres to avoid errors like # "could not determine data type of parameter $1" if ctx.dialect.value == "postgresql": return f"{sql}::text" return sql
[docs] class Concat(Function): """ Concate field or constant text. Be care, DB like sqlite3 has no support for `CONCAT`. :samp:`Concat("{FIELD_NAME}", {ANOTHER_FIELD_NAMES or CONSTANT_TEXT}, *args)` """ database_func = _Concat
############################################################################## # Aggregate functions ##############################################################################
[docs] class Count(Aggregate): """ Counts the no of entries for that column. :samp:`Count("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Count
[docs] class Sum(Aggregate): """ Adds up all the values for that column. :samp:`Sum("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Sum populate_field_object = True
[docs] class Max(Aggregate): """ Returns largest value in the column. :samp:`Max("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Max populate_field_object = True
[docs] class Min(Aggregate): """ Returns smallest value in the column. :samp:`Min("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Min populate_field_object = True
[docs] class Avg(Aggregate): """ Returns average (mean) of all values in the column. :samp:`Avg("{FIELD_NAME}")` """ database_func = functions.Avg populate_field_object = True