.. _databases: ========= Databases ========= Tortoise currently supports the following databases: * SQLite (using ``aiosqlite``) * PostgreSQL >= 9.4 (using ``asyncpg`` or ``psycopg``) * MySQL/MariaDB (using ``asyncmy``) * Microsoft SQL Server (using ``asyncodbc``) To use, please ensure that corresponding asyncio driver is installed. .. _db_url: DB_URL ====== Tortoise supports specifying Database configuration in a URL form. The form is: :samp:`{DB_TYPE}://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}:{PORT}/{DB_NAME}?{PARAM1}=value&{PARAM2}=value` If password contains special characters it need to be URL encoded: .. code-block:: python3 >>> import urllib.parse >>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("kx%jj5/g") 'kx%25jj5%2Fg' The supported ``DB_TYPE``: ``sqlite``: Typically in the form of :samp:`sqlite://{DB_FILE}` So if the ``DB_FILE`` is "/data/db.sqlite3" then the string will be ``sqlite:///data/db.sqlite`` (note the three /'s) ``postgres`` Using ``asyncpg``: Typically in the form of :samp:`postgres://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb` Or specifically ``asyncpg``/``psycopg`` using: - ``psycopg``: :samp:`psycopg://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb` - ``asyncpg``: :samp:`asyncpg://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb` ``mysql``: Typically in the form of :samp:`mysql://myuser:mypass@db.host:3306/somedb` ``mssql``: Typically in the form of :samp:`mssql://myuser:mypass@db.host:1433/somedb?driver=the odbc driver` Capabilities ============ Since each database has a different set of features we have a ``Capabilities`` that is registered on each client. Primarily this is to work around larger-than SQL differences, or common issues. .. autoclass:: tortoise.backends.base.client.Capabilities :members: SQLite ====== SQLite is an embedded database, and can run on a file or in-memory. Good database for local development or testing of code logic, but not recommended for production use. .. caution:: SQLite doesn't support many of the common datatypes natively, although we do emulation where we can, not everything is perfect. For example ``DecimalField`` has precision preserved by storing values as strings, except when doing aggregates/ordering on it. In those cases we have to cast to/from floating-point numbers. Similarly case-insensitivity is only partially implemented. DB URL is typically in the form of :samp:`sqlite://{DB_FILE}` So if the ``DB_FILE`` is "/data/db.sqlite3" then the string will be ``sqlite:///data/db.sqlite`` (note the three /'s) Required Parameters ------------------- ``path``: Path to SQLite3 file. ``:memory:`` is a special path that indicates in-memory database. Optional parameters: -------------------- SQLite optional parameters is basically any of the ``PRAGMA`` statements documented `here. `__ ``journal_mode`` (defaults to ``WAL``): Specify SQLite journal mode. ``journal_size_limit`` (defaults to ``16384``): The journal size. ``foreign_keys`` (defaults to ``ON``) Set to ``OFF`` to not enforce referential integrity. PostgreSQL ========== DB URL is typically in the form of :samp:`postgres://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb`, or, if connecting via Unix domain socket :samp:`postgres:///somedb`. Required Parameters ------------------- ``user``: Username to connect with. ``password``: Password for username. ``host``: Network host that database is available at. ``port``: Network port that database is available at. (defaults to ``5432``) ``database``: Database to use. Optional parameters: -------------------- PostgreSQL optional parameters are pass-though parameters to the driver, see `here `__ for more details. ``minsize`` (defaults to ``1``): Minimum connection pool size ``maxsize`` (defaults to ``5``): Maximum connection pool size ``max_queries`` (defaults to ``50000``): Maximum no of queries before a connection is closed and replaced. ``max_inactive_connection_lifetime`` (defaults to ``300.0``): Duration of inactive connection before assuming that it has gone stale, and force a re-connect. ``schema`` (uses user's default schema by default): A specific schema to use by default. ``ssl`` (defaults to ''False``): Either ``True`` or a custom SSL context for self-signed certificates. See :ref:`db_ssl` for more info. In case any of ``user``, ``password``, ``host``, ``port`` parameters is missing, we are letting ``asyncpg``/``psycopg`` retrieve it from default sources (standard PostgreSQL environment variables or default values). MySQL/MariaDB ============= DB URL is typically in the form of :samp:`mysql://myuser:mypass@db.host:3306/somedb` Required Parameters ------------------- ``user``: Username to connect with. ``password``: Password for username. ``host``: Network host that database is available at. ``port``: Network port that database is available at. (defaults to ``3306``) ``database``: Database to use. Optional parameters: -------------------- MySQL optional parameters are pass-though parameters to the driver, see `here `__ for more details. ``minsize`` (defaults to ``1``): Minimum connection pool size ``maxsize`` (defaults to ``5``): Maximum connection pool size ``connect_timeout`` (defaults to ``None``): Duration to wait for connection before throwing error. ``echo`` (defaults to ``False``): Set to `True`` to echo SQL queries (debug only) ``no_delay`` (defaults to ``None``): Set to ``True`` to set TCP NO_DELAY to disable Nagle's algorithm on the socket. ``charset`` (defaults to ``utf8mb4``): Sets the character set in use ``ssl`` (defaults to ``False``): Either ``True`` or a custom SSL context for self-signed certificates. See :ref:`db_ssl` for more info. .. _db_ssl: MSSQL/Oracle ============ DB URL is typically in the form of :samp:`mssql or oracle://myuser:mypass@db.host:1433/somedb?driver={the odbc driver}` Required Parameters ------------------- ``user``: Username to connect with. ``password``: Password for username. ``host``: Network host that database is available at. ``port``: Network port that database is available at. (defaults to ``1433``) ``database``: Database to use. ``driver``: The ODBC driver to use. Actual name of the ODBC driver in your `odbcinst.ini` file (you can find it's location using `odbcinst -j` command). It requires `unixodbc` to be installed in your system. Optional parameters: -------------------- MSSQL/Oracle optional parameters are pass-though parameters to the driver, see `here `__ for more details. ``minsize`` (defaults to ``1``): Minimum connection pool size ``maxsize`` (defaults to ``10``): Maximum connection pool size ``pool_recycle`` (defaults to ``-1``): Pool recycle timeout in seconds. ``echo`` (defaults to ``False``): Set to ``True`` to echo SQL queries (debug only) Encoding in Oracle: ============ If you get ``???`` values in Varchar fields instead of your actual text (russian/chinese/etc), then set ``NLS_LANG`` variable in your client environment to support UTF8. For example, `"American_America.UTF8"`. Passing in custom SSL Certificates ================================== To pass in a custom SSL Cert, one has to use the verbose init structure as the URL parser can't handle complex objects. .. code-block:: python3 # Here we create a custom SSL context import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context() # And in this example we disable validation... # Please don't do this. Look at the official Python ``ssl`` module documentation ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # Here we do a verbose init await Tortoise.init( config={ "connections": { "default": { "engine": "tortoise.backends.asyncpg", "credentials": { "database": None, "host": "", "password": "moo", "port": 54321, "user": "postgres", "ssl": ctx # Here we pass in the SSL context } } }, "apps": { "models": { "models": ["some.models"], "default_connection": "default", } }, } ) .. _base_db_client: Base DB client ============== The Base DB client interface is provided here, but should only be directly used as an advanced case. .. automodule:: tortoise.backends.base.client .. autoclass:: BaseDBAsyncClient :members: :exclude-members: query_class, executor_class, schema_generator, capabilities